Indian women farmers protest


We support the Global Women’s Strike's demand and perspective of a Care Income for all Caring Work for People and Planet, and call to make all work caring.

We campaign against the military as the single biggest polluter and destroyer of people and planet, and in support of those who refuse it: draft dodgers, deserters, conscientious objectors, whistleblowers and the loved ones, mainly women, who defend them.

Starting in 2006, Payday along with the Global Women's Strike supported the 7-year fight by one of Payday’s members in the US, a subsistence farmer, to protect his late mother’s farm from 'development'. More recently we are speaking out against industrial agriculture, its impoverishing and poisoning of land, waters, farmworkers, farmers, communities..., its forced removal of people from the land in the Global South and annihilation of the natural world everywhere.

With the Global Women's Strike, we are publicising the massive spread of natural farming by women’s self-help groups in Andhra Pradesh, India, and supported the victorious 12-month-long protest of Indian farmers against their impoverishment and takeover by multinationals.

Indian farmers meeting during strike
Farm in Global North
Flyer Military kill planet

The military kill people and planet

22 April 2023

By Payday

The US military is the biggest single polluter on earth. Global military expenditures are about two trillion dollars annually. Imagine how that money could be used to repair the planet, end poverty & care for each other.

Indian women farm workers on strike

Millions farm workers defeat unjust laws in India

1 November 2021

By Payday

With the Global Women’s Strike and Women of Colour GWS, Payday has supported the Indian farm workers whose struggles brought the repeal of the hated Farm Laws in India in 2021.

Dean farmer

Half of US Farmers had a income below zero’

13 June 2020

By Payday

On 13 June 2020, Dean Kendall, subsistence farmer and member of Payday, spoke on the poverty of US farmers ‘half of whom had a farm income below zero’ in 2019.

Industrial agriculture is the main thief

13 June 2020

Speech by Dean Kendall, subsistence farmer and member of Payday

By subsistence farmer I just mean I grow for own use, letting me scrape by on a pittance of social security and meager wages from odd jobs. I don’t make an income from the farming.

Sam Weinstein speaks on Care income

A trade-unionist, Payday member, speaks on the Care income

3 April 2020

By Sam Weinstein, Payday men’s network

We don’t know what work is really necessary. The military is not. We know that care work is, and a care income is an invitation to do that work – and the beginning of finding out about all the rest … Pay the women properly and the men will come.

Protecting a Payday member’s farm from ‘developers’

1 January 2006

By Dean Kendall, Payday men’s network

Payday men’s network along with Global Women’s Strike supported Payday member Dean Kendall’s successful 7-year fight to win protection for his late mother’s farm – the fields and woodland which nurtured him as a child and where he still resides as their caregiver.