Join the international campaign for a Care Income
- Endorse the Open letter to Governments issued by the Global Women’s Strike (GWS) and Women of Colour GWS
Green New Deal for Europe - Spread the word, find ressources on the GWS website
- Keep in touch, send your news about your campaigns and victories, small and big.
Campaign to make the Child Tax Credit permanent
By Payday
In 2021, Payday joined the Global Women’s Strike and others’ campaign to make the CTC permanent and for the money to be paid directly to mothers or other primary caregivers.
A trade-unionist, Payday member, speaks on the Care income
By Sam Weinstein, Payday men’s network
We don’t know what work is really necessary. The military is not. We know that care work is, and a care income is an invitation to do that work – and the beginning of finding out about all the rest … Pay the women properly and the men will come.
Caring for his partner’s disabled mother
By Eric Gjersten, Payday
Eric Gjertsen from Payday speaks about his experience of caring for his partner’s disabled mother and the need to recognise the vital work of caring at the International Women’s Conference, CARING, SURVIVAL & JUSTICE vs. THE TYRANNY OF THE MARKET in 2015.