1976 Individual men start working with the Wages for Housework Campaign (WFH) in the US, UK and Canada.
1977 Statement Men Speak Out Against Rape opposing - with Women Against Rape - convicted rapist Guardsman Holdsworth's suspended sentence.
1980s Payday trade-unionist member helps to win biggest pay equity deal in US history to date. At SoCal gas company, women working in the call centre got the same pay as men working in customer’s homes – a raise of 13% for the women.
1992 Jointly co-ordinates the Campaign Against the Child Support Act (CACSA) with the WFH.

1995 We support WFH’s effort to have women’s unwaged work counted in national statistics at the UN World Conference on Women in Beijing.
1996 With Black Women for Wages for Housework, we meet with Sans-Papiers in France and circulate the video La Ballade des Sans-Papiers with English subtitles.
2000 We support the 1st Global Women’s Strike and invite men to speak out about their support.
2003 Launch of our website refusingtokill.net documenting campaigns of soldiers who refuse to go to war.

2004 With WinVisible, we support Gulf War vet Alex Izett’s 40-day hunger strike that leads to an Independent Inquiry into the Gulf War Syndrome.
2005 Release of our video Refuseniks around the world speak out.
2006 With Global Women's Strike (GWS), we meet grassroots activists in revolutionary Venezuela.
2006 We join Give Us Back Our Children initiated by Every Mother is a Working Mother Network in Philadelphia & later in other US cities and London, supporting mothers fighting to get their children back from the child welfare system, and opposing the violent fathers’ lobby.
2006 With GWS, we mobilize international support for Lt. Ehren Watada, the first US Army commissioned officer who publicly refused to deploy to Iraq. He is eventually freed with no jail time.
2010 Support campaign for Joe Glenton, UK soldier who refuse to return to Afghanistan. Tour in Italy with Joe's mother. He was at risk to get 10 years in jail, but was released after 5 months.

2011 International campaign to free trans whistleblower Chelsea Manning which Payday, Queer Strike and other organizations and individuals organise co-ordinated actions. Chelsea is freed from prison in 2017.
2015 We support prisoners, including Kevan Thakrar who is fighting against years of solitary confinement.
2015 Grandson of member of Women of Colour/GWS is beaten by Philadelphia police, we join Justice for Tyree Campaign which gets the charges against him dropped in 2018.
2017 We join the Support Not Separation Campaign in a monthly picket in front of the Family Court in London.
2017 The “Dallas 6” prisoner whistleblowers in Pennsylvania, who took a peaceful stand against guard abuse, win a seven-year court battle. Payday is active in the Dallas 6 Support Campaign with GWS and Women of Color/GWS.

2018 With the Global Women’s Strike and Women of Color/GWS, we join the Poor People’s Campaign from its launch in the US as national partners and as active members of the coordinating committee in Pennsylvania.
2021 Support to the victorious Indian Farmers Strike.
2021 The UK Overseas Operations Bill is defeated by a wide coalition of forces which we were part of.
2022 Payday member who is a subsistence farmer participates in a visit to Andhra Pradesh with GWS to meet women self-help groups doing natural farming.
2023 We help circulate the #ObjectWarCampaign petition launched by four international organizations. Almost 50,000 signatures are collected and handed in to the EU authorities.
2021 The UK Overseas Operations Bill is defeated by a wide coalition of forces which we were part of.
2022 Visit to Andhra Pradesh with GWS to meet women doing natural farming.
2023 We help circulating the #Object War petition launched by four international organizations. Almost 50,000 signatures are collected and handed in to the EU authorities.