The first whistleblower we supported was Chelsea Manning in 2010, an army analyst who leaked thousands of classified files to Wikileaks. With Queer Strike we joined her defense campaign and helped internationalise her struggle.
Over the years, we have supported and publicized the revelations of many whistleblowers, including US computer consultant Edward Snowden who exposed secret surveillance practices of the National Security Agency and David Miranda detained at Heathrow airport in 2013 for carrying information obtained by Snowden. Although not himself a whistleblower, Julian Assange has been persecuted for broadcasting whistleblowers' disclosures and we are part of the international movement to free him.
Defending whistleblowers has proven essential to build movements against abuse, corruption and exploitation in institutions. With the Global Women's Strike, we have supported Compassion in Care which has defended thousands of grassroots whistleblowers in care homes, hospitals, financial institutions, the police and elsewhere. We support their campaign for Edna's Law and their opposition to the government's Bill to set up an Office for the Whistleblower.

No to the Office For The Whistleblower
By Compassion in Care
Letter to the Prime Minister opposing the Bill to set up an Office for the Whistleblower and the misconduct of WhistleblowersUK, an organisation that is pressing for the Bill.
Support Daniel Hale, drone whistleblower in prison
Jesselyn Radack, Whistleblower & Source Protection Program (WHISPeR)
Daniel’s journey took him to the dark heart of the War on Terror abroad, and as reward for blowing the whistle, he has been sent to its darkest corner on American soil, a facility that has been dubbed “Guantanamo North”.
Chelsea Manning is free: celebrating her and our victory
By Queer Strike and Payday men’s network
We celebrate Chelsea Manning’s release from prison on Wednesday 17 May 2017. Her initial 35-year sentence for disclosing classified information on war crimes and corruption was commuted by former President Obama.
Edna’s Law to protect whistleblowers
By Compassion in Care
EDNA’S LAW Would make it a criminal offence to fail to act on the genuine concerns of a whistle-blower and would hold individuals accountable.