Poor People's Campaign


In 2018, the Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival (PPC) launched in the US, pursuing the unfinished work of the 1968 Poor People's Campaign organized by Martin Luther King Jr., the National Welfare Rights Organization, and many others.

Together with the Global Women’s Strike, Payday fully endorsed the Poor People’s Campaign from its launch. We are PPC national partners and active in the Pennsylvania state coordinating committee.

The PPC brings people together in a cross-movement “fusion” coalition, against the evils of systemic racismpoverty, the war economy and militarismecological devastation, and the distorted moral narrative of religious nationalism. Those most impacted are the voices that are front and center in the PPC.

Read more: Why we are joining the Poor People’s Campaign (2018)

Poor People Campaign

A Family Caregiver Against War at Poor People’s Campaign rally

4 June 2022

By Eric Gjertsen, Payday men’s network

We see it is those of us at the bottom, starting with women and children in the Global South, who are killed or forced to kill others who are just as poor, while the money we need to survive is stolen from us.

A caregivers’ delegation for Child Tax Credit

1 December 2021

By Payday

In December 2021, we joined a caregivers’ delegation to the PPC Moral Monday action in Washington, DC to press for passage of the Build Back Better Act, in particular the continuation of the extended Child Tax Credit (CTC).

Dean farmer

Half of US Farmers had a income below zero’

13 June 2020

By Payday

On 13 June 2020, Dean Kendall, subsistence farmer and member of Payday, spoke on the poverty of US farmers ‘half of whom had a farm income below zero’ in 2019.

Industrial agriculture is the main thief

13 June 2020

Speech by Dean Kendall, subsistence farmer and member of Payday

By subsistence farmer I just mean I grow for own use, letting me scrape by on a pittance of social security and meager wages from odd jobs. I don’t make an income from the farming.

Poor People Campaign Logo

Joining the Poor People Campaign

11 May 2018

By Payday men’s network

The PPC brings people together in a cross-movement “fusion” coalition, against the “four evils” of systemic racism, poverty, the war economy and militarism, and ecological devastation.  Those most impacted are the voices that are front and center in the PPC.

Poor people campaign launch

Poor People’s Campaign is launched

11 March 2018

By Payday

The Poor People’s Campaign launched with 40 Days of Action in state capitols around the country on the day after Mother’s Day, March 2018.