Men support International Women’s Strike Actions on 24 October

For over 45 years, we in Payday, a multiracial and international network of men, have campaigned with the Global Women’s Strike, which is one of the organisers of the 24 October strike. We want a caring society, free of violence and poverty of which women and children are the main victims, and we reject relationships between women and men based on financial coercion, violence and rape. We support the main demand of the Global Women’s Strike for a care income for those who take care of people and the planet.

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Opposing rape in/by the military

By Payday men’s network

With Women Against Rape and Black Women Rape Action Project, we spoke out against rape in and out of the military, and supported the victims whatever the gender.

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Trans prisoners – some facts

Trans prisoner Tara Hudson

By Queer Strike & Payday

Discrimination against trans people make them at risk of economic insecurity. The violence they suffer in prisons is a continuation of trans people’s civilian life.

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Refusing to Rape (2006)

statement to demand defunding the military

By Payday

We highlight how the military train men to rape and protect them afterwards. Supporting refuseniks also includes protecting those who refuse to rape. In demanding to “redirect military budgets to carers,” we stenghten women’s economic power to refuse rape.

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What are you doing? (1999)

Am I a potential rapist

By Payday

In a letter to the press we argue that all men are potential rapists, and that we need to keep ourselves in check.

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Men Speak Out Against Rape (1977)

By Payday

We opposed the suspended sentence given to convicted rapist Guardsman Holdsworth because of ‘his good behaviour as a soldier’. As Women Against Rape said: ‘the State uphold men’s power over us in order to uphold their own power over everyone.’

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