Action at Canadian embassy, London UK Regularize all undocumented migrants
Friday 15 Sept 2023 1-2pm

Migrants’ movements in Canada are organising to demand regularization of undocumented migrants’ status on and around 17th September.
Without immigration status, asylum seekers and other undocumented migrants are left destitute, deprived of basic rights, health care, decent housing and other resources. Women are particularly disadvantaged as the primary carers for children and other loved ones and live with the fear of their children being taken by the State.
In 2021, the Canadian government promised regularisation, but has done nothing. The time to regularize is now! Regularisation is currently a demand of several undocumented migrants movements in France, Spain, Belgium and elsewhere. A victory in Canada could strengthen asylum seekers and other migrants everywhere, at a time when even in the UK an established organisation is demanding regularisation.
Join us on Friday for a gathering before we deliver our message to the embassy. If you cannot attend, email the Canadian Government (model letter) and circulate #StatusForAll on social media!
More information here
Global Women Against Deportations* and Payday men’s network
* GWAD includes: All African Women’s Group, Legal Action for Women, Women Against Rape and Women of Colour/Global Women’s Strike.