Scrap the Rwanda Plan

Protest & information in front of Immigration reporting centre, Eaton House , London

By Payday

The Rwanda Plan is far from a done deal. Immigrant people and asylum seekers, including from the All African Women’s Group, based at our Centre, will continue to resist their own deportation and spearhead campaigns to stop this cruel Plan.

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CANADA – Support regularisation of ALL undocumented migrants

migrants demand papers in Canada

By GWAD & Payday

Ever since the Canadian government promised a programme of regularisation for undocumented migrants in 2021, the movement of migrants and supporters has not stopped to press them to fulfil this promise. “We are close to winning, we need you to join us. Tell the government to “Leave no one behind.”

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Victory in Paris – Homeless minors, many Sans-Papiers, win shelter

Paris homeless Sans-Papiers

By The Belleville Park Youth Collective &
Paris 20th Collective in solidarity with all migrants

Thanks to unaccompanied minors in Belleville Park, helped by supporters, residents, high school and university students and organisations, 177 young people who were previously sleeping rough are now being housed!

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