Papers for All – An international movement

As the 2020 covid pandemic revealed how crucial was the ‘essential work’ done by immigrants, movements demanding Papers for all have risen in many countries. Jointly with groups members of Global Women Against Deportation (GWAD), at the initiative of Spanish groups, we joined in an international coalition demanding Regularisation of all immigrants that should be “immediate, permanent and without conditions“. Their Manifesto was endorsed by over 280 organisations in 20 countries.

Since then, with Women of Colour GWS we have publicised and supported many initiatives in France, Belgium, SpainCanadaIreland and elsewhere. Read a message of support sent by Payday and WoC GWS in 2020 to the French movement of Sans-Papiers and the call to internationalise the struggle of 500 Sans-Papiers hunger strikers in Belgium in 2021.