Victory in Paris – Homeless minors, many Sans-Papiers, win shelter
By Belleville Park Youth Collective & Paris 20th Collective in solidarity with all migrants

As a result of the action taken on Tuesday 6 February by the unaccompanied minors in Belleville Park, accompanied by supporters, residents of the 20th arrondissement, high school and university students committed to fighting the Darmanin law, and organisations, 177 young people who were previously sleeping rough are now being housed!
This is further confirmation that there is no fatality and that there are places to take all minors off the streets.
Above all, it’s confirmation that only collective action pays off!
The action on 6 February, which was supposed to be just a rally, became an occupation to protest against the police, who that same day cleared away all the tents and belongings of the dozens of young people who sleep under the Pont neuf in Paris every night.
What’s more, a decisive step was taken by the unaccompanied minors who have been organising themselves since September within the Belleville Park Youth Collective: on Wednesday they formed a delegation of unaccompanied minors (accompanied by 3 supporters) who met with a delegation representing Paris City Hall.
What’s more, over the last few weeks, the unaccompanied minors have ensured that this delegation can represent all the unaccompanied minors in Paris: there was a delegate for each camp where several dozen of them sleep each night, each place won over in recent months by their actions.
There are now more than 450 unaccompanied minors being housed thanks to the actions they have organised since November! But there are still several hundred of them sleeping outside every night.
The unaccompanied minors are calling on everyone to resist, to disobey the State and the Darmanin Law, to refuse to accept the unacceptable and not to be complicit in their abandonment.
No one is illegal! There are places to house all minors!
The Belleville Park Youth Collective
Paris 20th Collective in solidarity with all migrants